Policy on Infringement:

The trademarks, logos, trade names, service marks, and other marks (collectively, "Marks") that appear on the rocketgenie portal are the property of either rocketgenie, their vendors, or the relevant third parties. You acknowledge that rocketgenie makes use of trademarks belonging to suppliers and other third parties that it has obtained from the owner and/or distribution channel. By doing this, rocketgenie has absolutely no intention of obtaining a licence or right of use for these Marks.

By outlawing the use of the rocketgenie portal to violate the intellectual property rights of third parties or the legitimate owner, this infringement policy contributes to the creation of a safer marketplace. The rocketgenie policy mandates adherence to all applicable laws and regulations by sellers, purchasers, and users, including but not limited to the Infringement policy, which may be modified from time to time.

If you think something on the rocketgenie portal violates intellectual property rights, please email rocketgenie at contact@rocketgenie.co.in. with your report.

Requests without the specific product IDs, URLs, and other information listed below will not be processed by rocketgenie. Links to explore pages or search query links should not be provided as these pages are dynamic and their contents vary over time.

How to file a listing complaint

You can take the steps listed below and/or get legal counsel if you sincerely believe that one of our sellers or anybody else using the rocketgenie platform has violated your intellectual property rights.

We need the owner of the intellectual property rights or their authorised agent to send an email to the above-mentioned email address with the following information.

  • The following details ought to be included in the email.
  • Definition or identification of the violated intellectual property rights.
  • A clear and detailed description or identification of the location on the rocketgenie portal of the content you allege is infringing.
  • Links to the product ID and websites of pirated goods.Your phone number, email address, and address.
  • A declaration from you attesting to the accuracy of the information in your notice and confirming that you are the owner of the copyright or intellectual property or that you have been given permission to act on their behalf.

Policy for Grievance Redress:

Within fifteen (15) working days, rocketgenie will take all required action and/or delete the infringed product and/or details from its portal, pending verification of the aforementioned details and the basis of the complaint.


a) Introduction:

  • In order to minimise the negative effects of pirated and counterfeit goods on our platform and our clients, we have implemented an Anti-Counterfeit & Piracy Policy. We have reinforced our framework to effectively combat the growth and sale of counterfeit and pirated items on our digital platform, and we forbid the sale or promotion for the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods and services on our platform. This policy outlines how rocketgenie Limited and its affiliates (collectively, "rocketgenie, we, our, us") safeguard intellectual property rights by preventing the sale of pirated and counterfeit goods on its mobile application, m-site, and website www.rocketgenie.co.in (henceforth referred to as the "Platform"). We strictly prohibit the deliberate and wilful trafficking, listing, displaying, uploading, and selling of fake and pirated goods on our platform.
  • This Policy is an electronic contract created in accordance with the Information Technology Act of 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, as well as any rules and regulations adopted thereunder that have been revised up to this point. No digital or physical signature is needed for the conditions of this policy to be legally binding. This policy is a formal legal agreement. You explicitly agree to be bound by the terms of this Policy and any other applicable Terms and/or policies by using our Platform or registering with us. Please do not use or use our Platform/Service if you do not agree.

b) Goal:

  • To lessen the possibility of fake and pirated goods;
  • To safeguard the owners' and right holders' legal interests;
  • Assigning duties required to stop vendors and sellers from introducing unauthorised and counterfeit goods onto rocketgenie platform and its supply chain;
  • Assigning duties required to stop vendors and sellers from introducing unauthorised and counterfeit goods onto rocketgenie platform and its supply chain;
  • To inform and motivate consumers to use rocketgenie platform to buy authentic products from authorised distributors or sources;
  • To make it easier for users to report products that are pirated or counterfeit on the rocketgenie platform;
  • To make it easier for users to report products that are pirated or counterfeit on the rocketgenie platform;

c) Applicability:

  • This policy applies to all websites, mobile sites, applications, and/or other services (collectively, "you" or "your") that are provided by rocketgenie Limited and/or its affiliates ("we," "us," or "our" or "rocketgenie") that link to it. This policy is binding on everyone who accesses, visits, and/or uses rocketgenie's Service, whether they are doing so on their own behalf or as an agent of an entity. It also includes advertisers, creative & media agencies, analytics companies, survey/research vendors/sellers, employees, users, customers, partners, and other service providers. All suppliers, sellers, partners, customers, users, contractors, subcontractors, partners, agents, representatives, vendors, service providers, suppliers, sellers, partners, customers, and any other third parties working on behalf of rocketgenie are subject to the same rules and regulations under this policy. It also covers all staff members and representatives of rocketgenie Limited, as well as the company's headquarters, branch offices, and other offices. The Terms of Service for rocketgenie include this Policy.

d) Products and Counterfeit & Pirated Goods:

  • "Counterfeit Goods" are defined as any goods, including packaging, that are marked with a trademark that is either exactly the same as the trademark that is legally registered for such goods or that is so similar that it cannot be distinguished from such a trademark in any meaningful way, and that as a result violates the owner's rights under national law. Products that are counterfeit have a trademark or logo that is nearly similar to another person's trademark. They try to pass themselves off as a real product of the brand owner by imitating the product's branding attributes.
  • "Pirated Goods" are any goods that are copies made, either directly or indirectly, from an article where doing so would have violated a copyright or a related right under national law, without the permission of the right holder or a person duly authorised by the right holder in the country of production.
  • Character of Pirated and Counterfeit Goods/Products:
    Products labelled as "replicas," "imitation," "clones," "mirror image," or similar terms when referring to a brand in an attempt to pass them off as authentic products of the brand owner;
    Non-genuine products that mimic the characteristics of the brand in an effort to be promoted as the genuine product;
    Non-genuine products bearing a brand name, label, or logo; Bootleg recordings from concerts or other live shows; Unauthorised copies of movies, videos, software, etc.;
    Products described as replica, imitation, clone, fake, mirror image, or similar terms when referring to a brand name;

e) Sellers' Responsibilities:

  • Goods that are listed for sale on rocketgenie's platform have to be real and original goods. It is strictly forbidden to sell things that are pirated or counterfeit. Using our services, the vendors/sellers or anyone acting on their behalf is prohibited from hosting, displaying, uploading, changing, publishing, transmitting, updating, or selling counterfeit and pirated goods and products. They also cannot do the following, among other things:
    • Do not knowingly procure, list or sale the Counterfeit & Pirated Goods/Products;
    • Promote the actual, genuine and authentic products on our platform in the ads/promotion/listing service;
    • To source & sell only genuine and authentic products;
    • Do not bootleg, fake or pirated copy of products or content;
    • Do not sell the products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced or manufactured;
    • Do not sell the products that infringe another party’s intellectual property rights;
    • Do not sell or publish the Bootleg recordings from concerts or other live shows on our platform;
    • Do not sell or publish the unauthorized copies of movies, videos, software etc., on our platform;
    • Do not sell or publish the Fakes, copies, or replicas of brand name Goods/Products on our platform;
    • Do not sell or publish the Electronics goods or accessories that use or bear the brand name, logo or trademark of a company that does not manufacture the goods/products;
    • Do not sell or publish the Non-genuine products that imitate the characteristics of the brand in an effort to be promoted as the genuine product, on our platform.

f) Noncompliance with this Policy:

  • We are consistently implementing our policy of requesting cooperation from suppliers and customers in order to enforce our anti-piracy and counterfeiting measures. rocketgenie does not knowingly conduct business with producers or vendors who engage in the production or distribution of pirated or counterfeit goods.
  • Should rocketgenie learn that the merchants are selling or supplying counterfeit or inauthentic goods, it reserves the right to take the following legal action against the vendors/sellers, among other things:
    If we find that our service has been used to sell counterfeit and pirated goods or products, we will:
    • immediately suspend or terminate the service;
    • destroy any inauthentic or counterfeit goods or products in our possession at your expense; c) withhold your security deposit, service fee, sale proceeds, etc.;
    • if necessary, we will also take legal action against the Sellers.

g) Rocketgenie's Right:

  • We collaborate with producers, copyright holders, content creators, suppliers, and sellers to enhance our ability to identify and stop fake, counterfeit, and pirated goods and products from getting in front of rocketgenie consumers.
  • In addition, we collaborate with law enforcement agencies and rights holders to pursue legal action against vendors who wilfully break this policy by offering users/customers counterfeit and pirated goods and products on our platform.
  • We routinely examine, verify, and audit the product listings. If we discover any listings for counterfeit or pirated goods or products, we eliminate those listings after reviewing and auditing the products.
  • We shall look into and take all necessary measures to protect buyers, sellers, and rights holders if we receive a complaint about counterfeit and pirated goods or products from users or owners of rights.

h) Inform Us:

  • Rocketgenie neither uses nor supports the usage of fake goods. In addition, we want our sellers to follow our policies, processes, and ethical business standards. We sternly forbid anyone using our platform to sell things that are illegal, pirated, or counterfeit. As soon as we learn that someone is selling products that are unlawful, pirated, or counterfeit, we take all required steps to take appropriate action.
  • In line with our Infringement Policy, you can report to us anything you find on our platform or think certain products of a seller are selling counterfeit, pirated, or illegal goods. You can also provide supporting documentation or proof to back up your claims, so we can verify your claims.